Singing Guide: Barlow & Bear

Singing Guide: Barlow & Bear

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you're looking to learn how to sing like Barlow & Bear, two of the most talented female indie pop singers, you're in the right place. Barlow & Bear's unique vocal technique, characterized by their ability to harmonize and blend their voices while maintaining individuality, is truly distinctive and capturing. Here are some practical tips to help you start developing your own indie pop vocals:

  1. Practice vocal control: Barlow & Bear's ability to blend their voices requires great control over their vocal dynamics. Take your time to practice singing scales slowly, accurately, and with attention to detail. Use the vocal range test to determine your vocal range, and see how you compare to Barlow & Bear.

  2. Embrace breath support: One of the key components of Barlow & Bear's unique sound is breath support. Improve your breath control by mastering effective breath support techniques, as outlined in the breathing basics article. This will help you reach all of the notes you need to pull off the duo's signature harmonies.

  3. Focus on harmonization: The heart of Barlow & Bear's sound is their expert ability to harmonize. To master harmonies, focus on pitch accuracy and voice control. Use Singing Carrots' pitch accuracy test to identify areas for improvement in your pitch control.

  4. Explore contemporary vocal techniques: Barlow & Bear use many contemporary vocal techniques, including vibrato, twang, and belting, to add dynamic layers to their songs. Check out the contemporary vocal techniques article to learn more and commit to incorporating those techniques into your own vocal workout.

  5. Find your niche: Like Barlow & Bear, developing your own unique style is an essential part of your journey to become a successful indie pop singer. Learn how to find your own authentic voice using the tips provided in the relevant article. Experiment with different techniques and styles and don't be afraid to infuse your personal artistic expression into your performances.

Singing Carrots has plenty of resources to help you along the way, including the pitch monitor, which lets you visually identify your sung pitch, and powerful pitch training tools, including the Singing Game. You can also search our database of songs for tracks with a similar vocal range to Barlow & Bear. If you're interested in taking a more structured approach to singing, our educational course, "Singing for Beginners," is a great option.

By honing in on these techniques and practicing consistently, you'll be well on your way to mastering Barlow & Bear's signature indie pop vocal style. Start experimenting with different techniques, the right gear, and unbridled passion, and don't hesitate to find your own voice in the mix. Happy singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.